February 23, 2012

Northern Ireland MEP expresses shock at VRT

In the continuing battle to have VRT abolished members of the Committee of IDA recently met with Dianne Dodds MEP. The meeting in Lisburn took place on friday the 17th of February and proved very constructive. The association got a warm welcome and was well received by the DUP MEP.

The association have brought it to the attention of Ms Dodds how the Irish government are discriminating against motor traders and private citizens in NI by imposing a levy as high as 36% on vehicles exported to the south. In effect the Irish government are making it more expensive for a citizen from the south to import a vehicle from Northern Ireland. This is a clear contravention of the free movement of goods under article 39 of the treaty of Rome.

Ms Dodds expressed shock at this and not withstanding our existing petition the commission of taxation stated that it is time to raise the matter in Brussels with the competition authority. We have asked Ms Dodds to raise the matter with the finance minister in Stormont and she assured us that she would.

This may be the first time that another member state attacks the Irish Goverment on the free movement of goods which could be very good news for us as Europeans.

The battle continues…….

John E Doherty

Donegal branch chairman

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